Availability request for pitches

Check availability for your Tuscany holidays in camper, caravan or tent at Camping Calatella in Marina di Massa.

Fill the form specifying your chosen dates; the field marked with a star are mandatory.

* Note: only one dog is allowed per pitch.

Personal data


Details of your stay


Processing of personal data



Take a view at prices

View the pitch prices


Check availability

Fill this form in order to check availability for your chosen dates


Confirm availablity

If your chosen dates are available, you will receive a confirmation together with the details needed in order to send the requested deposit; otherwise, you will be advised in regards to possible alternatives around the dates you have selected


Confirm booking

Confirm your booking via fax or via email by sending your receipt of deposit payment


Plan your holidays in Tuscany

Get ready for your holiday, check our website section Tuscany Holidays, you will find a wide range of places to visit, events, regional dishes and local wines to enjoy.